What's AI going to do to SEO? Will your website still get found? SearchCon is in town on 9/12 & 9/13 to offer expert guidance

After a long absence, SearchCon is back. And it's no longer taking place up in Breckenridge, but in the much more accessible Broomfield, located midway between Denver and Boulder.

What's SearchCon, you ask? It's billed as an "advanced SEO and digital marketing conference," and that's pretty much on the mark. This is not an event for SEO newbies, but for those who really like to get into the nuts and bolts of search engine optimization.

Which begs the question: Why is Colorado AI News focused on this conference? Two letters: AI. Artificial intelligence has already been affecting Google's search results via Google's AI Overviews, and this impact is likely to only increase over the next several months and (very likely) years.

So, how much is this shaking up the SEO world? Quite a bit. Is it the end of Google search as we know it? Maybe, but most don't think it's going to be the end of search, despite the disruptions caused by AI Overviews and other, ongoing changes. Think not just SEO, but AIO, Artificial Intelligence Optimization, and GEO, Generative Engine Optimization.

With all that in mind, here's a partial list of the AI-focused presentations expected over the two days of SearchCon:

-- Cracking the Code: A Step-by-Step Guide to Dominating Google’s AI Overviews

-- Conquering the crawl: How to get indexed in an AI world

-- Google’s REAL Gemini

-- Reducing SERP Volatility: Harnessing Human/Robot Collaboration

-- Trust, but Verify: Testing Marketing Theories in an AI-Enhanced Landscape

-- AI Search: How AI in search works and the future of search engines

-- The 100k Traffic AI Content Workflow

Asked about how SearchCon is addressing AI and search, Jim Kreinbrink, president of Hyper Dog Media and the founder of SearchCon, said, "With search incorporating more and more AI, we have quite a few presentations that you won't want to miss. It's truly an exciting time to be in SEO, as the rules are changing for everyone. Our speakers will be dissecting how to deal with all the changes and even how to educate as well as 'uneducate' the various AI models. "

It's all happening on Thursday and Friday of this week (Sept. 12-13), so you'll need to act fast. Note that there are a few tickets left. Be sure to use the promo code LASTCHANCE to save $150 on registration.

Colorado AI News is an official media sponsor of SearchCon.