Exploring AI at a Mile High

Phil Nugent

Phil is the founder and editor-in-chief of Colorado AI News. A passionate advocate for independent, quality journalism and Colorado's vibrant entrepreneurial community, he brings to the role his background as a strategic marketer, storyteller, editor, tech enthusiast, and non-practicing attorney.

Colorado AI Jobs

Featured AI Job: Are you an aspiring AI innovator with an interest in county government? JeffCo is looking for a Generative AI Innovation Fellow

Jefferson County, Colorado has just announced a one-year position in their Innovation Fellowship Program for a Generative AI Innovation Fellow. The County describes the program as one that “equips aspiring innovators with the skills to transform government services through new technologies and solutions.” The job listing asks, “Are you passionate

11 Sep 24 1 min read

AI Quote of the Week: Demis Hassabis

September 11, 2024 "I would actually be very pessimistic about the world if something like AI wasn’t coming down the road." – Sir Demis Hassabis, British artificial intelligence researcher, neuroscientist, computer scientist, CEO and co-founder – with Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman – of DeepMind Technologies (now Google DeepMind), video

11 Sep 24 7 min read

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