Exploring AI at a Mile High

AI Policy for Colorado AI News


At Colorado AI News, we are committed to delivering accurate, timely, and engaging news content to our audience. As we embrace innovative technologies, we recognize the role that generative AI can play in enhancing our reporting and content creation processes. However, we firmly believe that artificial intelligence (AI) is most effective when combined with human intelligence (HI). This policy outlines our approach to integrating AI into our editorial workflow while ensuring that human oversight remains central to our news production.

Use of Generative AI

  1. Content Development:
    We may use generative AI tools to assist in the creation of news stories, features, and other content. These tools can help us efficiently gather information, draft initial reports, and generate creative content. However, all AI-generated content will be subject to rigorous human review before publication or it will be clearly indicated as AI-generated content to our readers.
  2. Human Oversight and Editorial Control:
    While AI can provide valuable assistance, it will not replace the critical role of our human editors, journalists, and fact-checkers. Every piece of content produced or assisted by AI will be thoroughly reviewed, edited, and fact-checked by our editorial team to ensure accuracy, fairness, and adherence to our journalistic standards. Note that any exceptions to this practice of human oversight will be clearly marked as AI-generated content.
  3. Transparency and Accountability:
    We are committed to transparency in our use of AI. If any content has been produced and posted by generative AI without any oversight by a human editor, journalist, or fact-checker, we will disclose this to our readers. Our audience deserves to know how their news is produced, and we believe that honesty about our processes builds trust.
  4. Ethical Considerations:
    The ethical use of AI is paramount. We will ensure that AI tools are used responsibly, avoiding the propagation of misinformation, bias, or harmful content. Our editorial team will remain vigilant in identifying and correcting any issues that may arise from AI-generated content.
  5. Continuous Improvement:
    As AI technology evolves, we will continuously assess and refine our AI usage policies. We will seek out best practices, stay informed about advancements in AI ethics, and adapt our approach to maintain the highest standards of journalism.


At Colorado AI News, we believe that the future of news lies in the intelligent integration of AI with human expertise. By combining the efficiency and creativity of generative AI with the critical thinking and ethical judgment of our human team, we are committed to providing our readers with the most accurate, reliable, and engaging news possible. We will continue to prioritize human oversight in our editorial process, ensuring that every story we publish meets the high standards our audience expects and deserves.

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